Scaffolding and building interactions in e-learning

Building a proper set of scaffolding to increase the students ability to learn, as well as making our courses interactive is at the top of the To Do list of those of us who deals with e-learning. Here are two excellent infographics from Elham that explains it all.

Gathered by Elham from ‘Designing for Deep and Meaningful Student-to-Content Interactions’ journal by Dunlap, Sobel, and Sands.


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Førstelektor i IKT ved Handelshøyskolen Nord, utdannet i IKT/ IKT-sikkerhet og Jus, tidligere lokalpolitiker for Høyre, tjenestepliktig befal i Sivilforsvaret (pensjonert), over 20 års erfaring med digital distribuering av undervisning og studentaktiv undervisning.