Sámájduhttet åhpadusáv: Indigenizing education in Sápmi/Sábme/Saepmie, Norway
Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 4:00 PM (Kingston, Canada) / kl. 22.00 (Bodø, Norway)
How do we indigenize education? How do we ensure that students learn about indigenous languages, cultures, traditions and knowledge? And how do we ensure that indigenous students receive an education that represents their indigenous background, culture and traditions? In Norway, indigenizing education refers to both education about the Sámi and education for the Sámi. Firstly, all students are to be educated about Sámi languages, culture, societal life and history throughout primary and secondary education. The new national curriculum has a greater focus on Sámi content, and every single school subject now incorporates explicit Sámi learning outcomes.
Additionally, there is a separate Sámi curriculum taught in the Sámi districts which is commensurate and parallel to the national curriculum. This curriculum not only has a distinctive Sámi emphasis, but it is also designed to provide Sámi students with an education that is based on Sámi values, traditions, ways of teaching and knowing. These updated curricula, however, present new challenges for universities and teacher educators who are now expected to equip future teachers with a wide range of new perspectives and skills in this area. If we hope to move beyond assimilationist policies and to properly decolonize the education system in Norway, we will have to revisit and reconceptualize the way that we train our teachers. In this presentation, I will give an overview of the development of Sámi education in Norway and how Nord University aims to meet the challenges presented by these new curricula.
Gåktu sámájduhttá åhpadusáv? Gåktu bærrájgæhttjá vaj oahppe sáme gielaj, kultuvra, árbbediedoj ja máhtudagáj birra oahppi? Ja gåktu bærrájgæhttjá vaj sáme oahppe oadtju åhpadimev gånnå ietjasa duogátja, kultuvra ja árbbedábe l vuodon? Vuonan sámájduhttet åhpadusáv merkaj sihke åhpadibme sámij birra ja åhpadibme sámijda. Vuostatjin, gájka studenta galggi Sáme gielaj, kultuvra, sebrudakiellema ja histåvrå birra oahppat ålles vuodoskåvllååhpadusá tjadá. Ådå nasjonálla oahppoplána stuoráp mærráj tjalmosti sáme sisanov, ja juohkka fágan li soames eksplisihtta sáme máhtudakmihto. Duodden gávnnu sierra sáme oahppopládna mij la dåjman sáme distrivtajn ja mij la dássásasj ja buohtalasj nasjonálla oahppopládnaj. Dát oahppopládna ij dåssju sierraláhkáj tjalmosta sáme ássjijt, ájnat láhtjá dilev vaj sáme oahppe oadtju åhpadimev gånnå sáme árvo, árbbedábe, åhpadim- ja máhttovuoge li guovdátjin. Da ådå oahppoplána bukti ådå hásstalusájt universitiehtajda ma vierttiji boahtteájge åhpadiddjijt gárvedit åhpadit dáj tiemáj birra. Jus galggap dárojduhttema vájkkudusájs bessat ja almmaláhkáj sámájduhttet åhpadusáv Vuonan de vierttip dárkestit gåktu åhpadip iehtjama åhpadiddjijt. Dán åvddånbuktemin gåvådav sáme åhpadusá åvddånimev Vuonan ja gåktu mij Nuortta universitiehtan duosstop dájt ådå hásstalusájt majt dá ådå oahppoplána bukti.
Sandra Nystø Ráhka l stipendiáhtta ja universitiehttalievtor Nuortta Universitiehtan Bådådjon, Vuonan. Suv dåvtårgrádaprosjækta l julevsáme nuppátgielåhpadime birra. Sån lej åvddåla åvdåsvásstediddje julevsáme fágaj åvdås julevsáme åhpadiddjeåhpadusán Nuorttan. Sån la Divtasvuonas, mij la guovdásj bájkke julevsáme guovlon Vuonabielen.