15 August 2022
The CANOPY Project has now resumed all mobility activities as usual.
Due to developments with the omicron variant and the global pandemic, CANOPY has modified 2022 mobility activities as follows:
- The partnership seminar on Digital Innovation and Educational Technology scheduled for February 2022 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada has been postponed until October 2022
- The March/April IAP (practicum exchange) to Bankgata Middle School in Bodø has been shifted online. Students from Queen’s University will now be assigned a supervisor from Nord University who will oversee a 90-hour independent project.
- The PhD student semester exchange to Queen’s University has been cancelled. International guest supervision will continue online.
Due to ongoing health and safety concerns, CANOPY has made the determination to postpone regular project activities by 12 months, resuming in May 2021 with the second Partnership Seminar in Bodø, Norway. Consequently, the project end date has been extended by one year. The adjusted thematic schedule is as follows: Educational Leadership (2020/2021); Digital Innovation and Educational Technology (2021 2022); Indigenous Studies Diversity and Inclusion (2022 2023); Exceptional Learners (2023 2024).
Due to the global COVID-19 situation, CANOPY has suspended all project-related travel and events for an indeterminate period. This includes the practicum exchange from Queen’s University (March/April 2020) and the second CANOPY Partnership Meeting in Bodø, Norway (May 2020). Subsequent programs, such as the semester study exchange (Fall 2020), will continue to be evaluated.
In the coming weeks, CANOPY will assess opportunities to continue with important collaboration work through online channels. Please return to this page for further updates.