I am a PhD student and researcher from Greece employed by Nord University since 2015.
I have an educational background in Marine Biology (Bsc), and a Masters degree in Taxonomy and Biodiversity.
For my PhD research I have studied benthic communities around Norwegian fish farms using mRNA to determine their taxonomic profile and their community distributions in response to aquaculture. I have also worked on a project comparing and evaluating metagenomics and metabarcoding pipelines using benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Belgian sea. The outcome of this PhD will reveal the efficiency and applicability of metagenomics and RNA sequencing for taxonomic identification while also discuss the limitations of such alternative approaches compared to the more conventional metabarcoding workflows. I have as such attained vast experience in data analysis and bioinformatics throughout this project and have had a lot of experience in molecular labwork, having handled a variety of projects during my employment, from barcoding and metabarcoding, to metatranscriptomics, and metagenomics.