Project Structure

The project is strategically divided into six Work packages

WP1 (Administration)

WP leader Dr. Jorge Galindo-Villegas (Nord)

This WP is focused on the scientific coordination and management of all the tasks within the different WPs.

WP2 (Reproductive Markers and Indicators)

WP leader Dr. Manuel Manchado (IFAPA)

Standardization of the methodologies used in WP2-WP5 will be established in the first task of this WP. Novel high-throughput genomic approaches will be used to identify growth-related markers to produce high-quality wolffish and sole seeds. Moreover, a wide set of gamete quality indicators will be provided in samples collected in wild and hatchery origin fish of the focus species. The tools developed in this WP (genetic markers and gamete quality indicators) will later be used in WP3-WP5.

WP3 (Broodstock Welfare and Nutrition)

WP leader Dr. Sylvie Bolla (Nord)

Two species, wolfish and sole are included in WP3. Both species present limited reproductive performances in captivity. Effects of nutritional reprogramming and welfare parameters will be assessed by egg and gamete quality markers. The tasks will be conducted in collaboration with the industry partners to secure an effective knowledge transfer.

WP4 (Control of Reproductive Function)

WP leader Dr. Constantinos C. Mylonas (HCMR)

Through the study of the reproductive function of the 4 focus species, methods will be developed to improve gamete production and quality, as well as management methods, through the use of reproductive hormones and controlled-release delivery systems (implants). Once again, the tasks will be conducted in collaboration with the industry partners. The technology developed in this WP will be up-scaled and demonstrated in the relevant environment in WP5.

WP5 (Technology Transfer)

WP leader Mr. Ricardo Zerolo (Cupimar)

This WP will promote the transference of methods and technologies, developed in the previous WPs, to improve reproductive performance and breeding management from a laboratory to a commercial scale, where procedures need to be simplified, volumes up-scaled, and methodologies adapted to the conditions available in an industrial setting.

WP6 (Dissemination and RRI)

WP leader Dr. Atle Foss (APN)

We present well-structured channels for sharing our research results with potential users -peers in the research field, industry, other commercial players, policymakers, and the general public- to contribute to the progress of science and expand the knowledge generated in the BESTBROOD project far beyond the academic or industrial scope.