Diginn2Circle book about the Circular Bioeconomy

Economic activity is dominated by a linear ‘make-use-dispose’ model that depletes natural resources and degrades the natural environment at an alarming rate. Systemic changes are needed to deal with the climate, nature, and pollution crises facing our societies . Transitioning to a circular economy that operates with closed material loops is seen as part of the solution to create a sustainable future. A large share of consumed resources is biological and related to the bioeconomy. In a circular bioeconomy, materials should biodegrade, cascade, and, in the end, safely return to the earth after use. The concept of a circular bioeconomy addresses both what to achieve in terms of making resource use sustainable through circularity and how to achieve this through the production and use of biological resources, products, and processes.

This book aims to shed light on how innovation can help the promise of the circular bioeconomy come to fruition. Through a range of case-studies and theoretical contributions, it puts forth a research agenda for the circular bioeconomy. Also, it provides insights into important facets of the circular bioeconomy for practitioners and policy-makers. Below you can find a small introductory video that explains the overall topic of the book.

Read more about the book at and order a copy at Edward Elgar webpage.