
Forsknings- og innovasjonsprosjekter:

  • Digital Transformasjon i Min Virksomhet (DiVi) – Kompetanse Norge
  • Value in Research (VinR) –Regionalt Forskningsfond
  • Omstilling, økosystemer og digital modenhet i turist- og matnæringen (Robust) – Interreg
  • ReWork Åre Inderøy – Interreg
  • Photosynthetic Eukaryotes: From Fundamentals to Applications in Biology, Bioproduction and Biotechnology – Forskningsrådet, Nasjonale forskerskoler

Publikasjoner i DigInn:

    1. Ingulfsvann, A.S. (2019) “What does the brand tell us? – Sustainability and responsibility in a circular perspective” Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 246, 10 February 2020,
    2. Sörensson, A. Dahlgren, C., Grande, J. og Carlsson, E. (2018) “Entreprenørskap i naturbaserte næringer – faktorer som fremmer og hemmer idéutvikling og sysselsetting” Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 35 (3), pp, 52-68.
    3. Wigren-Kristofersen, C., Korsgaard, S., Brundin, E., Hellerstedt, K., Alsos, G.A., & Grande, J. (2019). Entrepreneurship and embeddedness: dynamic, processual and multi-layered perspectives. Call Entrepreneurship and Regional Development.
    4. Sörensson, A. Dahlgren, C., Grande, J. og Carlsson, E. (2018). Entreprenørskap i naturbaserte næringer – faktorer som fremmer og hemmer idéutvikling og sysselsetting. Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 35 (3), pp, 52-68.
    5. Vannebo, B.I. and Grande, J. (2018). Social Entrepreneurship and Embedded Ties – a Comparative Case Study of Social Entrepreneurship Norway. Int. Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol.33, No. 3, pp. 417-448.
    6. Molden, L.H. and T.H. Clausen (2020) “Playing 3D chess – Firms thriving under complexity: The mediating role of innovation capabilities in  utilization of innovation input”. Journal of Business Research 125 (2021), 113
    7. Molden, L.H. and T.H.Clausen (2020) “Orchestration and Learning: The two faces of dynamic capabilities”. R&R: Strategic Management Journal
    8. Clausen, T.H and H Molden (2020) “Managerial Ties, Communities of Practice and Business Model Innovation: An Analysis of Micro-Macro Links in Incubators and Ecosystems”. R&R: Journal of Small Business Management
    9. Ingulfsvann, A.S. (2021) Value Retention in the Norwegian and Swedish Outdoor Industry In Jakobsen, S., Lauvås, T., Quatraro, F., Rasmussen, E., & Steinmo M. (Eds) Research Handbook on Innovation for a Circular Economy. Forthcoming, Edward Elgar Publishing.
    10. Bjørnstad, E. and Grande (2021). Exploring the entrepreneurial landscape for Circular Business Models. Eds Jakobsen S., Lauvås, T. Quatraro, F. Rasmussen E. and Steinmo M. Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing. Forthcoming.
    11. Grande, J., & Carlsson, E. (2020). The support system’s influence on nature-based business start-ups in a rural context. In Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems. Edward Elgar Publishing.
    12. Gustavsen og K.M. Baksaas (2019). Trender og utfordringer i regnskao og revisjon. Nesbak. L., Baksaas. K.M. og T. Gustavsen (Red.), Digitalisering – innhold og treder for regnskapsprofesjonen (s. 11-26). Fagbokforlaget.
    13. Baksaas, K.M, Gustavsen, T., Nytun M.K., og S.W. Stephansen (2019). Trender og utfordringer i regnskaP og revisjon. Nesbak. L., Baksaas. K.M. og T. Gustavsen (Red.), Dagens status for digitalisering i regnskapsførerbransjen. (s. 73-88). Fagbokforlaget.
    14. Olsen, B og Gustavsen (2019). Trender og utfordringer i regnskao og revisjon. Nesbak. L., Baksaas. K.M. og T. Gustavsen (Red.), Undervisningsvideoer som supplement til tradisjonell undervisning i regnskap, revisjon og bedriftsøkonomi. (s. 255-270). Fagbokforlaget.
    15. Aspelund, A., Azari, M. J., Aglen, A. F., & Graff, S. G. (2018). The birth and development of a born global industry: The case of microelectronics in Norway. Journal of International Entrepreneurship16(1), 82-108.
    16. Aspelund, A., Steen, M., Afewerki, S., Bjørgum, Ø., Sæther, E. A., & Kenzhegaliyeva, A. (2019). Conditions for growth in the Norwegian offshore wind industry. International market developments, Norwegian firm characteristics and strategies, and policies for industry development.
    17. Platou, R. S., & Aspelund, A. (2019). Managerial rationales for investing and divesting under uncertainty. Cogent Business & Management6(1), 1685426.
    18. Hermundsdottir, F., & Aspelund, A. (2020). Sustainability strategies’ and sustainability innovations’ influence on perceived firm performance. In ISPIM Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-21). The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM).
    19. Azari, M. J., Aspelund, A., & Eide, A. E. (2020). Knowledge integration in international SMEs–The effects on firm innovation and performance. Cogent Business & Management7(1), 1849890.
    20. Eide, A. E., Saether, E. A., & Aspelund, A. (2020). An investigation of leaders’ motivation, intellectual leadership, and sustainability strategy in relation to Norwegian manufacturers’ performance. Journal of Cleaner Production254, 120053.
    21. Hermundsdottir, F., & Aspelund, A. (2021). Sustainability innovations and firm competitiveness: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production280, 124715.
    22. Aspelund, A., Bjørgum, Ø., & Saether, E. A. (2021). Entering a brave new world: Market entry assessments into a born global industry. In Advanced perspectives on global industry transitions and business opportunities (pp. 111-134). IGI Global.
    23. Bjerke-Busch, L. S., & Aspelund, A. (2021). Identifying Barriers for Digital Transformation in the Public Sector. In Digitalization (pp. 277-290). Springer, Cham.
    24. Bjerke, L. S., & Aspelund, A. (2021). Beam me up Scotty!-Dynamic leadership for a digital future. In ISPIM Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-15). The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM).
    25. Mølnvik, M. J., Tande, J. O. G., Tomasgard, A., Torsæter, M., Gardarsdottir, S. O., Korpås, M., … & Bjørgum, Ø. (2021). Nordsjøen som plattform for grønn omstilling.
    26. Sørheim, R., Aadland, T., Alsos, G. A., Aspelund, A., Clausen, T. H., Eide, A. E., … & Steinmo, M. (2021). Innovasjon i krisetider.
    27. Hermundsdottir, F., Eide, A. E., & Aspelund, A. (2021). Sustainability innovations in the manufacturing industry: a comparison of circular and climate innovation initiatives. In Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
    28. Aspelund, A., Olsen, M. F., & Michelsen, O. (2021). Simultaneous adoption of circular innovations: a challenge for rapid growth of the circular economy. In Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
    29. Fini, R., Bartolini, M., Benigni, S., Ciancarini, P., Di Iorio, A., Johnson, A., … & Toschi, L. (2018). Collaborative Practices and Multidisciplinary Research: The Dialogue Between Entrepreneurship, Management, and Data Science. In Rethinking Entrepreneurial Human Capital (pp. 129-152). Springer, Cham.
    30. Fini, R., Rasmussen, E., Siegel, D., & Wiklund, J. (2018). Rethinking the commercialization of public science: From entrepreneurial outcomes to societal impacts. Academy of Management Perspectives32(1), 4-20.
    31. Hayter, C. S., & Rasmussen, E. (2018, July). Bound by Gender? A Social Embeddedness View of Academic Entrepreneurship Among Women. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2018, No. 1, p. 10668). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
    32. Billström, A., Giones, F., & Rasmussen, E. (2018, August). The Imprints of Innovativeness on the Internationalization of New Firms. In The 22nd McGill–International Entrepreneurship Conference.
    33. Steinmo, M., & Rasmussen, E. (2018). The interplay of cognitive and relational social capital dimensions in university-industry collaboration: Overcoming the experience barrier. Research Policy47(10), 1964-1974.
    34. Fini, R., Rasmussen, E., Wiklund, J., & Wright, M. (2019). Theories from the lab: How research on science commercialization can contribute to management studies. Journal of Management Studies56(5), 865-894.
    35. Shankar, R. K., Mathisen, M. T., Widding, Ø., & Rasmussen, E. (2019, July). Acquiring Research-Based Spin Offs: A Process Model of Pre-Acquisition Dynamics. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2019, No. 1, p. 18140). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
    36. Mathisen, M. T., & Rasmussen, E. (2019). The development, growth, and performance of university spin-offs: A critical review. The Journal of Technology Transfer44(6), 1891-1938.
    37. Rasmussen, E. (2019). The regional impacts of university spin-offs: in what ways do spin-offs contribute to the region?. In Handbook of Universities and Regional Development. Edward Elgar Publishing.
    38. Shankar, R. K., Seyed Abootorabi, S. H., & Rasmussen, E. (2020). Academic Spin-Off Resource Mobilization and Performance: The Role of Social, Economic & Hybrid Goals. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2020, No. 1, p. 21274). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
    39. Rasmussen, E., Billstrom, A., Clausen, T., & Shankar, R. K. (2020). Economic and Societal Impact of Academic Spin-Offs: An Emerging Taxonomy with Illustrative Cases. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2020, No. 1, p. 21776). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
    40. Fini, R., Rasmussen, E., Wiklund, J., & Wright, M. (2020). Moving Ideas from Lab to Marketplace: A Guide to Research. Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange.
    41. Hayter, C. S., Rasmussen, E., & Rooksby, J. H. (2020). Beyond formal university technology transfer: innovative pathways for knowledge exchange. The Journal of Technology Transfer45(1), 1-8.
    42. Novotny, A., Rasmussen, E., Clausen, T. H., & Wiklund, J. (2020). Introduction: Helping birds to fly: Introducing start-up incubation ecosystems. In Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems. Edward Elgar Publishing.
    43. Rasmussen, E., Benneworth, P., & Gulbrandsen, M. (2020). Motivating universities to support spin-off firms: Stakeholders and start-up incubation ecosystems. In Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems. Edward Elgar Publishing.
    44. Novotny, A., Rasmussen, E., Clausen, T. H., & Wiklund, J. (Eds.). (2020). Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems. Edward Elgar Publishing.
    45. Bolzani, D., Rasmussen, E., & Fini, R. (2020). Spin‐offs’ linkages to their parent universities over time: The performance implications of equity, geographical proximity, and technological ties. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
    46. Audretsch, D., Colombelli, A., Grilli, L., Minola, T., & Rasmussen, E. (2020). Innovative start-ups and policy initiatives. Research Policy49(10), 104027.
    47. Huynh, P. H., Rasmussen, E., & Nenadic, O. (2021). Commercialising circular economy innovations: a taxonomy of academic spin-offs. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 14676). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
    48. Isaeva, I., Lauvås, T. A., Steinmo, M. T., & Rasmussen, E. (2021). Integrating multiple goals in university-industry collaborations. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 14793). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
    49. Bolzani, D., Munari, F., Rasmussen, E., & Toschi, L. (2021). Technology transfer offices as providers of science and technology entrepreneurship education. The Journal of Technology Transfer46(2), 335-365.
    50. Mathisen, M. T., Shankar, R. K., Widding, Ø., Rasmussen, E., & McKelvie, A. (2021). Enablers of exit through trade sale: the case of early-stage research-based spin-offs. Small Business Economics, 1-15.
    51. Jakobsen, S., Lauvås, T., Quatraro, F., Rasmussen, E., & Steinmo, M. (2021). Innovation for a Circular Economy. Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy.
    52. Isaeva, I., Steinmo, M., & Rasmussen, E. (2021). How firms use coordination activities in university–industry collaboration: adjusting to or steering a research center?. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-35.
    53. Hayter, C. S., Fischer, B., & Rasmussen, E. (2021). Becoming an academic entrepreneur: how scientists develop an entrepreneurial identity. Small Business Economics, 1-19.
    54. Huynh, P. H., & Rasmussen, E. (2021). The circular economy impacts of digital academic spin-offs. In Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
    55. Steinmo, M., Lauvås, T., & Rasmussen, E. (2022). How R&D subsidies alter firm activities and behaviour. Innovation, 1-26.