Forsknings- og innovasjonsprosjekter:
- Digital Transformasjon i Min Virksomhet (DiVi) – Kompetanse Norge
- Value in Research (VinR) –Regionalt Forskningsfond
- Omstilling, økosystemer og digital modenhet i turist- og matnæringen (Robust) – Interreg
- ReWork Åre Inderøy – Interreg
- Photosynthetic Eukaryotes: From Fundamentals to Applications in Biology, Bioproduction and Biotechnology – Forskningsrådet, Nasjonale forskerskoler
Publikasjoner i DigInn:
- Ingulfsvann, A.S. (2019) “What does the brand tell us? – Sustainability and responsibility in a circular perspective” Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 246, 10 February 2020,
- Sörensson, A. Dahlgren, C., Grande, J. og Carlsson, E. (2018) “Entreprenørskap i naturbaserte næringer – faktorer som fremmer og hemmer idéutvikling og sysselsetting” Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 35 (3), pp, 52-68.
- Wigren-Kristofersen, C., Korsgaard, S., Brundin, E., Hellerstedt, K., Alsos, G.A., & Grande, J. (2019). Entrepreneurship and embeddedness: dynamic, processual and multi-layered perspectives. Call Entrepreneurship and Regional Development.
- Sörensson, A. Dahlgren, C., Grande, J. og Carlsson, E. (2018). Entreprenørskap i naturbaserte næringer – faktorer som fremmer og hemmer idéutvikling og sysselsetting. Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 35 (3), pp, 52-68.
- Vannebo, B.I. and Grande, J. (2018). Social Entrepreneurship and Embedded Ties – a Comparative Case Study of Social Entrepreneurship Norway. Int. Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol.33, No. 3, pp. 417-448.
- Molden, L.H. and T.H. Clausen (2020) “Playing 3D chess – Firms thriving under complexity: The mediating role of innovation capabilities in utilization of innovation input”. Journal of Business Research 125 (2021), 113
- Molden, L.H. and T.H.Clausen (2020) “Orchestration and Learning: The two faces of dynamic capabilities”. R&R: Strategic Management Journal
- Clausen, T.H and H Molden (2020) “Managerial Ties, Communities of Practice and Business Model Innovation: An Analysis of Micro-Macro Links in Incubators and Ecosystems”. R&R: Journal of Small Business Management
- Ingulfsvann, A.S. (2021) Value Retention in the Norwegian and Swedish Outdoor Industry In Jakobsen, S., Lauvås, T., Quatraro, F., Rasmussen, E., & Steinmo M. (Eds) Research Handbook on Innovation for a Circular Economy. Forthcoming, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Bjørnstad, E. and Grande (2021). Exploring the entrepreneurial landscape for Circular Business Models. Eds Jakobsen S., Lauvås, T. Quatraro, F. Rasmussen E. and Steinmo M. Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing. Forthcoming.
- Grande, J., & Carlsson, E. (2020). The support system’s influence on nature-based business start-ups in a rural context. In Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Gustavsen og K.M. Baksaas (2019). Trender og utfordringer i regnskao og revisjon. Nesbak. L., Baksaas. K.M. og T. Gustavsen (Red.), Digitalisering – innhold og treder for regnskapsprofesjonen (s. 11-26). Fagbokforlaget.
- Baksaas, K.M, Gustavsen, T., Nytun M.K., og S.W. Stephansen (2019). Trender og utfordringer i regnskaP og revisjon. Nesbak. L., Baksaas. K.M. og T. Gustavsen (Red.), Dagens status for digitalisering i regnskapsførerbransjen. (s. 73-88). Fagbokforlaget.
- Olsen, B og Gustavsen (2019). Trender og utfordringer i regnskao og revisjon. Nesbak. L., Baksaas. K.M. og T. Gustavsen (Red.), Undervisningsvideoer som supplement til tradisjonell undervisning i regnskap, revisjon og bedriftsøkonomi. (s. 255-270). Fagbokforlaget.
- Aspelund, A., Azari, M. J., Aglen, A. F., & Graff, S. G. (2018). The birth and development of a born global industry: The case of microelectronics in Norway. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 16(1), 82-108.
- Aspelund, A., Steen, M., Afewerki, S., Bjørgum, Ø., Sæther, E. A., & Kenzhegaliyeva, A. (2019). Conditions for growth in the Norwegian offshore wind industry. International market developments, Norwegian firm characteristics and strategies, and policies for industry development.
- Platou, R. S., & Aspelund, A. (2019). Managerial rationales for investing and divesting under uncertainty. Cogent Business & Management, 6(1), 1685426.
- Hermundsdottir, F., & Aspelund, A. (2020). Sustainability strategies’ and sustainability innovations’ influence on perceived firm performance. In ISPIM Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-21). The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM).
- Azari, M. J., Aspelund, A., & Eide, A. E. (2020). Knowledge integration in international SMEs–The effects on firm innovation and performance. Cogent Business & Management, 7(1), 1849890.
- Eide, A. E., Saether, E. A., & Aspelund, A. (2020). An investigation of leaders’ motivation, intellectual leadership, and sustainability strategy in relation to Norwegian manufacturers’ performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 254, 120053.
- Hermundsdottir, F., & Aspelund, A. (2021). Sustainability innovations and firm competitiveness: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 280, 124715.
- Aspelund, A., Bjørgum, Ø., & Saether, E. A. (2021). Entering a brave new world: Market entry assessments into a born global industry. In Advanced perspectives on global industry transitions and business opportunities (pp. 111-134). IGI Global.
- Bjerke-Busch, L. S., & Aspelund, A. (2021). Identifying Barriers for Digital Transformation in the Public Sector. In Digitalization (pp. 277-290). Springer, Cham.
- Bjerke, L. S., & Aspelund, A. (2021). Beam me up Scotty!-Dynamic leadership for a digital future. In ISPIM Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-15). The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM).
- Mølnvik, M. J., Tande, J. O. G., Tomasgard, A., Torsæter, M., Gardarsdottir, S. O., Korpås, M., … & Bjørgum, Ø. (2021). Nordsjøen som plattform for grønn omstilling.
- Sørheim, R., Aadland, T., Alsos, G. A., Aspelund, A., Clausen, T. H., Eide, A. E., … & Steinmo, M. (2021). Innovasjon i krisetider.
- Hermundsdottir, F., Eide, A. E., & Aspelund, A. (2021). Sustainability innovations in the manufacturing industry: a comparison of circular and climate innovation initiatives. In Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Aspelund, A., Olsen, M. F., & Michelsen, O. (2021). Simultaneous adoption of circular innovations: a challenge for rapid growth of the circular economy. In Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Fini, R., Bartolini, M., Benigni, S., Ciancarini, P., Di Iorio, A., Johnson, A., … & Toschi, L. (2018). Collaborative Practices and Multidisciplinary Research: The Dialogue Between Entrepreneurship, Management, and Data Science. In Rethinking Entrepreneurial Human Capital (pp. 129-152). Springer, Cham.
- Fini, R., Rasmussen, E., Siegel, D., & Wiklund, J. (2018). Rethinking the commercialization of public science: From entrepreneurial outcomes to societal impacts. Academy of Management Perspectives, 32(1), 4-20.
- Hayter, C. S., & Rasmussen, E. (2018, July). Bound by Gender? A Social Embeddedness View of Academic Entrepreneurship Among Women. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2018, No. 1, p. 10668). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Billström, A., Giones, F., & Rasmussen, E. (2018, August). The Imprints of Innovativeness on the Internationalization of New Firms. In The 22nd McGill–International Entrepreneurship Conference.
- Steinmo, M., & Rasmussen, E. (2018). The interplay of cognitive and relational social capital dimensions in university-industry collaboration: Overcoming the experience barrier. Research Policy, 47(10), 1964-1974.
- Fini, R., Rasmussen, E., Wiklund, J., & Wright, M. (2019). Theories from the lab: How research on science commercialization can contribute to management studies. Journal of Management Studies, 56(5), 865-894.
- Shankar, R. K., Mathisen, M. T., Widding, Ø., & Rasmussen, E. (2019, July). Acquiring Research-Based Spin Offs: A Process Model of Pre-Acquisition Dynamics. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2019, No. 1, p. 18140). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Mathisen, M. T., & Rasmussen, E. (2019). The development, growth, and performance of university spin-offs: A critical review. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44(6), 1891-1938.
- Rasmussen, E. (2019). The regional impacts of university spin-offs: in what ways do spin-offs contribute to the region?. In Handbook of Universities and Regional Development. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Shankar, R. K., Seyed Abootorabi, S. H., & Rasmussen, E. (2020). Academic Spin-Off Resource Mobilization and Performance: The Role of Social, Economic & Hybrid Goals. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2020, No. 1, p. 21274). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Rasmussen, E., Billstrom, A., Clausen, T., & Shankar, R. K. (2020). Economic and Societal Impact of Academic Spin-Offs: An Emerging Taxonomy with Illustrative Cases. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2020, No. 1, p. 21776). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Fini, R., Rasmussen, E., Wiklund, J., & Wright, M. (2020). Moving Ideas from Lab to Marketplace: A Guide to Research. Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange.
- Hayter, C. S., Rasmussen, E., & Rooksby, J. H. (2020). Beyond formal university technology transfer: innovative pathways for knowledge exchange. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 45(1), 1-8.
- Novotny, A., Rasmussen, E., Clausen, T. H., & Wiklund, J. (2020). Introduction: Helping birds to fly: Introducing start-up incubation ecosystems. In Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Rasmussen, E., Benneworth, P., & Gulbrandsen, M. (2020). Motivating universities to support spin-off firms: Stakeholders and start-up incubation ecosystems. In Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Novotny, A., Rasmussen, E., Clausen, T. H., & Wiklund, J. (Eds.). (2020). Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Bolzani, D., Rasmussen, E., & Fini, R. (2020). Spin‐offs’ linkages to their parent universities over time: The performance implications of equity, geographical proximity, and technological ties. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
- Audretsch, D., Colombelli, A., Grilli, L., Minola, T., & Rasmussen, E. (2020). Innovative start-ups and policy initiatives. Research Policy, 49(10), 104027.
- Huynh, P. H., Rasmussen, E., & Nenadic, O. (2021). Commercialising circular economy innovations: a taxonomy of academic spin-offs. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 14676). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Isaeva, I., Lauvås, T. A., Steinmo, M. T., & Rasmussen, E. (2021). Integrating multiple goals in university-industry collaborations. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 14793). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Bolzani, D., Munari, F., Rasmussen, E., & Toschi, L. (2021). Technology transfer offices as providers of science and technology entrepreneurship education. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 46(2), 335-365.
- Mathisen, M. T., Shankar, R. K., Widding, Ø., Rasmussen, E., & McKelvie, A. (2021). Enablers of exit through trade sale: the case of early-stage research-based spin-offs. Small Business Economics, 1-15.
- Jakobsen, S., Lauvås, T., Quatraro, F., Rasmussen, E., & Steinmo, M. (2021). Innovation for a Circular Economy. Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy.
- Isaeva, I., Steinmo, M., & Rasmussen, E. (2021). How firms use coordination activities in university–industry collaboration: adjusting to or steering a research center?. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-35.
- Hayter, C. S., Fischer, B., & Rasmussen, E. (2021). Becoming an academic entrepreneur: how scientists develop an entrepreneurial identity. Small Business Economics, 1-19.
- Huynh, P. H., & Rasmussen, E. (2021). The circular economy impacts of digital academic spin-offs. In Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Steinmo, M., Lauvås, T., & Rasmussen, E. (2022). How R&D subsidies alter firm activities and behaviour. Innovation, 1-26.