Marine Fish Larvae Dynamics (MarFiLD)
Early life of marine fishes: Can pelagic larvae of benthic invertebrates buffer climate-driven match–mismatch dynamics?
In this project we are investigating the seasonal and long-term dynamics of meoplankton (larvae of benthic invertebrates) in order to undestand its role in the pelagic food web.
Funded by Harbour Energy (2023-2026)
VDWS Transition
Transitioning from a precautionary to a science-based approach for managing fish farms close to vulnerable deepwater species.
Cold water corals and other seneitive dep water habitats are in the focus of our research within VDWS Transisiton which is led by the Institute of Marine Research (IMR).
Funded by FHF and Nord (2023-2025)

Time-series of benthic communities in sub-Arctic fjords
We sample the benthic fauna of our fjord systems annually since 2013. Such time-series data are scarce for sub-Arctic coastal systems and can reveal important insights into the effects of climate change, natural variation and regional anthropogenic impacts such as aquaculture.
Funded by Nord (since 2013)
Coming: Fjord scavengers
Coming: GEANS