Av Oddlaug Lindgaard, 26. juni 2019
I år går konferansen EdMedia +Innovate Learning av stabelen i Amsterdam 24.-28.juni. Dette er en verdenomspennende konferanse for media og teknologi i utdanning. Denne gangen er det ca. 450 konferansedeltakere fra hele verden som er samlet for å snakke om og dele erfaringer rundt teknologi og utdanning.
I år ble to bidrag fra Nord universitet antatt:
Line Kolås og Hugo Nordseth med paperet «Learning spaces for “learning through construction”»
Abstract: Project-based learning in higher education require other learning spaces than traditional lectures. The study present findings concerning necessary facilities and challenges concerning spaces in project-based learning in higher education IT courses. Data is collected among university teachers in 46 IT courses, where students work in projects with a goal of constructing a product. The main findings show that necessary facilities can be divided into two main categories; rooms and artefacts. Concerning rooms, group rooms are often described as a necessity to succeed with student projects. Necessary artefacts can be divided into two sub-categories; furniture and technology, where both sub-categories mainly include furniture and technology for groupwork. The teachers describe today’s main challenges to be not enough space for students and not enough group rooms. However, there are many teachers that do not experience challenges concerning learning spaces for “learning through construction”.
Oddlaug Lindgaard med paperet «Going online; a shift from teacher-centered to student-centered teaching and how to facilitate».
Abstract: To facilitate for change is challenging. In this project one went from teacher-centred face-to-face teaching to a student-centred online way of teaching using a specific teaching and learning strategy and software and tools free of use for students and teachers at Nord University. The teachers participating in the project were novice to tools and strategy, but experienced teachers. One of the challenges was a lack of common understanding of terms used in strategic documents given from government. This brief paper highlights the effort needed to make it possible for non-technical oriented teachers to change their teaching and the need of support systems that can help them by facilitating a change from teacher-centered on-site teaching to student-centred online teaching.
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