
The WP4 will be dedicated to Dissemination of the the ARCTAQUA results. We will promote the project and its results, but also aquaculture related activities on whitefishes, Arctic char and spotted wolffish.

This will include, outreach activities such as the production of technical sheets, handouts on the project, posters and articles in trade and popular sciences magazines, as well as the participation in global aquaculture industry meetings such as AquaNor or similar. In addition, the most common social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will be used to publish small teasers, updates, news or small video clips regarding the project. Please follow the link to Protocols to see some of the project results but also other protocols already available  for the focus species production.

Four industry workshops focusing on spotted wolffish, Arctic char and whitefish farming will be organized to bring together researchers, industry and other stakeholders. The potential of these new species for farming in the Arctic region together with the on-going project results will be promoted. The presence in the workshops of companies producing the focus species will be key to proof-of-concept to potential investors.