Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning: Examples from Europe

Chapter 6. Exploring multi and translingual perspectives through dominant language constellation artefacts in teacher education: Shifting perspectives

Book Description

Recognising the urgent need for further progress in teacher education and preparation for the success of early language learning, this volume presents research on the education and professional development of teachers, exploring how they can foster multilingual spaces in the early years of formal education.

Investigating a range of European contexts, the book examines the effectiveness of teacher education for early language learning, covering contexts of multilingualism and English as a foreign language (EFL) with children under the age of 12. Split into three parts examining research into teacher practices, education, and curricula, chapters cover emerging topics such as teacher education and local linguistic encounters; global citizenship and transcultural education; linguistic landscapes and visual narratives; mixed-age classrooms and literacy skills; pre-service and in-service teacher education; and teacher and teacher educator competencies and beliefs.

Offering a unique combination of foci on teachers, teacher education and classroom practice, this book will be of great interest to researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of early language education, multilingualism, EFL and teacher education more broadly. Student teachers and teachers working in early language learning contexts may also find the volume of interest.

Chapter Description
Chapter 6. Exploring multi and translingual perspectives through dominant language constellation artefacts in teacher education: Shifting perspectives by Nayr Ibrahim
Through the medium of the dominant language constellation, this chapter exploresmulti-andtranslingual practices in the English course of a pre-service teacher education master’s programme in Norway. Multilingualism is not a new or rare phenomenon. However, the apparent acceptance of multilingualism foregrounds themulti, at the expense of a deeper understanding of the qualitative and “translingual” aspects of the phenomenon. This chapter is based on a study that employs creative visual/multimodal methods, the DLC artefact, to explore pre-service teachers’ multilingual representations and evolving language ideologies. The results point to the crucial role of teacher education in operationalising references to multilingualism in national curricula. Teachers’ reflections indicate an increased awareness of their own multilingualism, a positive attitude towards multilingualism and their encounter with the multilingual phenomenon in education for the first time. Visualising their language repertoires allows teachers to engage at bothmultiandtransperspectives in education
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