How could Sámi and Inuit homemaking as an everyday life practice serve as a form of survivance after the effects of assimilation, colonization, and post-war welfare policies? How could Indigenous people, and other people’s perception of them and of what a home is, have been affected by the recent development on various arenas? These are the kind of questions that we will address in the upcoming anthology The Indigenous Home in Our Times.
The focus will in part be on the Sami and Inuit, as Indigenous groups with present and/or historical relations to the Nordic countries, building on contributions from our international collaborative project Indigenous homemaking as survivance (2022-27). We invite scholars specializing on these and other Indigenous cultures to contribute, in order to draw relevant comparisons to Indigenous homes other places in the world.
The volume is multidisciplinary, inviting articles spanning from history and the social sciences to linguistics.
The anthology will be a part of the series Nord Studies in Reality Formations , Nord University’s official outlet of transdisciplinary research. Each volume addresses understandings of reality in our time and what the societal implications could be, discussed from various perspectives. All volumes are published Open Access by De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Please send in your abstract here: https://nettskjema.no/a/479061
If you have questions regarding the anthology, please contact project leader Astri Dankertsen: astri.dankertsen@nord.no or co-editor Astrid Marie Holand: astrid.m.holand@nord.no
Time schedule:
1. CFP deadline April 20th 2025
2. Hybrid writing seminar June 2025 (TBA)
3. 1st draft deadline October 21st 20205
4. 1st draft presented at seminar in November 21st 2025
5. Feedback round
6. Revised draft by January 20th 2026
7. Ready for copy editing May 20th 2026
8. Ready for peer review process September 20th 2026
9. Final Corrections
10. Published primo 2027