Welcome to ARCTAQUA
Cross-Border Innovations in Arctic Aquaculture
Aquaculture is the fastest-growing animal production sector, and it is considered as an environmentally-sustainable industry that produces protein source for the growing world population. However, in Europe and Russia, the aquaculture production volumes have not followed the increasing demand for aquaculture products. Diversification of the farmed aquatic species is vital to cater to the market demands for fish protein. The main objective of ARCTAQUA is to promote the development of sustainable aquaculture in the Arctic region. For this, the ARCTAQUA will address main bottlenecks in the production of novel fish species (Arctic char, spotted wolffish, European whitefish and nelma) in the Arctic region; a strategy to improve the economic feasibility of the production systems of these species and to expand this industry. Ultimately, the ARCTAQUA will be a catalyst to create new job opportunities and contribute to the economic development of the Arctic region. This project is funded by Kolarctic CBC, EU, Russia, Norway, Sweden and Finland (http://kolarctic.info, and http://www.kolarctic.no).
Spotted wolffish trial at Nord
Our Nord University research team has completed the first feeding trial on spotted wolffish. The team
Research at Luke
In January 2021, ARCTAQUA partners at the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) initiated an
Activities at Swedish Univ. Agric. Sci.
A large-scale sampling was conducted by the researchers of Swedish University of Agricultural
Participation in conference
ARCTAQUA partners participated in All-Russian Scientific Web Conference “Topical issues of morphogenesis
Sampling from wolffish trial
Wolffish were fed mussel meal-containing feeds for 12 weeks. The fish had good growth during the
Started work on Arctic char
In October 2020, Sigerfjord Fisk AS started the work on Arctic char broodstock management.
Feeding trials by the Berg Institute
In August 2020, feeding trials, with nelma broodstocks at the fish farm Forvat, were
Participated in symposium
Presence of ARCTAQUA at the 14th International Symposium on Biology and management of
Started trials at Nord University
In June 2020, we started our feeding studies employing spotted wolffish juvenile at the
Webpage manager: Bisa Saraswathy (bisa.saraswathy@nord.no) from Nord University.