Written by: Siv Stavang Aune
Seven of the RESPONSE researchers travelled to Naples June 12-16 through the European University Alliance SEA-EU. We visited Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope” and got to meet Italian sports researchers and students in sports science. Parthenope takes in 550 new sports science students every year and has recently expanded its education to several campuses. Very inspiring for a small, but growing research group at Nord University.

Throughout the stay, we held six academic presentations, including both doctorate projects and other collective projects in the research group. Additionally, Anne held a presentation on Nord University and RESPONSE. They showed us around at the university and we got to meet many employees on both the faculty for sports science and the department of internationalization.
With four days in Naples, we also had time for seeing the city. Our contact person at the University, Luisa, along with two doctoral students, took us on a splendid tour including “Murales Maradona”. That is a square consisting of great wall paintings and many different effects showing the city’s huge tribute to Diego Maradona. To a group of researchers in sports science, it was very exciting to see what he has meant and still means to the city. Just before we arrived, SSC Naples won the Serie A for the first time since Maradona played on the team (1990). But, the players on the winning team today were completely outshined by the hero worship of Maradona. And, we definitely joined the trend; several members of RESPONSE returned to Norway with Maradona t-shirts rather than Naples uniforms. Suddenly “Maradona-Monday” is introduced as the new dress code in the office.
After a trip to Italy, it is impossible to not mention the food. Mads told us that the pizza actually originated in Naples, and by that, the menu was set for the rest of the week. We had pizza for lunch and pizza for dinner, and it is not even necessary to try giving any restaurant recommendations as there are great pizzerias on every corner. And as a matter of form, a respectable amount of gelato was also consumed, to keep it completely Italian.

After this SEA-EU exchange experience, we are rich in new impressions, knowledge and experiences. The university structure is probably more hierarchical organized than what we are used to, and the relations to time are more loose than just an academic quarter. Conversations with sports science researchers and doctoral students gave us insights into what they are working on. We hope that on the next occasion, we see them in Bodø at Nord University.