Dato: fredag 19. februar 2025
Klokka: 14.00 – 15.00
Sted: BODCA3003, Nord Universitet, Bodø (For digital deltakelse ta kontakt med Anne Tjønndal: anne.tjonndal@nord.no).
The Research Group for Sport and Society (RESPONSE) is hosting a seminar with Thibault Fouquaert from Ghent University (Belgium) on networking during your PhD. The seminar is open to everyone!
This seminar will discuss the development of setting up a (research) network using the Virtual Sports Research Network I have been developing as an example. I would like to discuss with the participants what the challenges and opportunities networking building conveys, how they could apply this to their research topic and overcome certain challenges.
More information about the network: https://www.virtualsports.be/
Thibault Fouquaert is PhD researcher and teaching assistant at the Sports Management Group of Ghent University, Belgium. His PhD focus on the digitalisation and gamification of leisure sports from a Sport-for-All and organisational innovation perspective for sport organisations. He presented his work mainly at the European Sports Management Conferences. His interests revolve around the topics of innovation, strategy, business models, technology and triathlon, while his background is in Business Economics (Ma), Communication Sciences (Ma) and Computer Sciences (Ba).