RESPONSE-seminar 26. februar: eSports getting increasingly athletic? Trends in the intertwining of sports and esports

Dato: fredag 26. februar 2025

Klokka: 14.00 – 15.00

Sted: BODCA3003, Nord Universitet, Bodø (For digital deltakelse ta kontakt med Anne Tjønndal:

The Research Group for Sport and Society (RESPONSE) is hosting a guest lecture with Thibault Fouquaert from Ghent University (Belgium). The guest lecture is open to everyone! 


The IOC recently announced that the Olympic eSports Games will sooner (or later) take place, and it will likely be a combination of traditional eSports, physical active virtual sports and sedentary virtual sports. Sports and eSports are thus getting increasingly intertwined. The first part of this seminar will present how sport governing bodies like IOC and UCI work to (de)legitimise eSports and virtual sports. The second part provides insights in how interactive technology can be utilised by coaches of traditional sports clubs and how they could transition to offer both traditional and virtual sports services.


Thibault Fouquaert is PhD researcher and teaching assistant at the Sports Management Group of Ghent University, Belgium. His PhD focus on the digitalisation and gamification of leisure sports from a Sport-for-All and organisational innovation perspective for sport organisations. He presented his work mainly at the European Sports Management Conferences. His interests revolve around the topics of innovation, strategy, business models, technology and triathlon, while his background is in Business Economics (Ma), Communication Sciences (Ma) and Computer Sciences (Ba).