Griffin Hill

Throughout my academic career, I have sought out opportunities to apply molecular biological techniques to macro ecological questions. I obtained my MSc in Marine Biology with a focus in genetics from UiT – The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø, Norway. My thesis focused on the application of short read full transcriptomic sequencing approaches to a non-model, keystone Arctic species (Boreogadus saida). During this time, I also worked as an eDNA lab technician, specializing in extraction and library preparation in a clean lab environment of eDNA water samples from around the world.

As a PhD fellow at Nord, my project brings together disciplines and research groups to study aquaculture in a changing climate. Through climate and species distribution models, as well as genome sequencing and SNP profiling, I hope to enhance our understanding of aquaculture suitability and population structure under climate change. Specifically, I plan on studying genetic population structure of Saccharina latissima, a seaweed of growing aquaculture interest in Norway, along climate gradients and between farmed and wild populations. When I’m not in the lab, I enjoy skiing, climbing, and a good sci-fi novel.
