A-24 The Ideal First-Year Experience Program: What Would It Look Like?

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Joe Cuseo, Professor Emeritus i psykologi
Cuseo vil etter foredraget sitt arrangere et arbeidsseminar med følgende tematikk:
The Ideal First-Year Experience Program: What Would It Look Like?
The first year of college is a critical transitional period for entering students. Providing new students with timely and strategic support during their first year can not only facilitate their transition to the university, it can also help them develop early and effective learning habits that they continue to use throughout their university experience, resulting in higher rates of student persistence to degree completion and greater gains in student learning outcomes.
This session will identify the intended outcomes of a well-designed, first-year experience program and specific practices for achieving these outcomes. The ultimate goal of the session is to stimulate enthusiasm for the development of comprehensive and coordinated first-year experience programs in Norway that provide new students with a meaningful introduction to the university experience and that are characterized by campus-wide involvement, cross-divisional collaboration, and a campus culture infused with a sense of collective energy/synergy for promoting student success.